Desi totkay ideas 2023 | Top health and beauty tips

Desi totkay ideas 2023 | Top health and beauty tips

Desi totkay ideas 2023


Benefits of Turmeric:
Drinking turmeric mixed with milk relieves body pain and is beneficial for internal injuries.

Cough, cold, flu:
Proper use of guava in cold, flu and cough gives quick recovery.

Mouth ulcers:
Placing henna leaves in the mouth and chewing them slowly removes mouth ulcers.

For dry cough and asthma, drink one spoghol with milk or water for forty days.

Red chili:
Within twenty minutes of eating red chilies, our metabolism kicks into high gear and then fat loss begins.

custard apple:
Sharifa is a common fruit for stomach problems and is considered very useful in diarrhea and dysentery.

almond oil:
When the skin of the face is dry, applying almond oil on the face removes the dryness.

Body dryness:
In case of dryness of the body, apply olive, almond or mustard oil in the navel every morning and evening.

Ground Turmeric:
Eating one tola of ground turmeric mixed with half a cup of curd will cure jaundice in a few days.

Benefits of pears:
Pears boost immunity.
Pears are rich in vitamin C.
Pear is an elixir for the stomach.
Pear is useful in respiratory diseases.

Benefits of Ginger
If the appetite is not good,
If the stomach is full of wind,
If you are constipated, cut and grind the ginger, sprinkle salt on top and eat a couple of mashas.

Iron deficiency:
People with iron deficiency should eat it.
Daily consumption of black gram will cure iron deficiency very quickly.

Guava Vitamins:
Vitamin A in guava removes waste from the body and provides carotene which protects against lung and molar cancer. Eat two guavas at 10 am and two guavas at 4 pm for five weeks.

Is the chest clogged with mucus?
Dates remove phlegm, remove respiratory diseases, eat three dates three times a day at Fajr, Asr and Isha.

Muffins and Raisins:
If you get tired after doing a little work, use manki or raisin, the tiredness will go away.

sugarcane juice.
Sugarcane juice has nutritional as well as medical benefits. Sugarcane juice is rich in vitamins AB and C. Sugarcane juice is useful in jaundice.

Fenugreek Seeds:

Boiling four spoons of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water and drinking the water in the morning and evening is beneficial in hemorrhoids.

Apart from lowering blood pressure, cinnamon prevents the growth of bacteria in the stomach.

Stomach Weakness:
People with weak stomach should use gram flour for some time. By doing this, the stomach muscles will work hard to digest the food and form the body.

Quick Treatment for Stomach Pain:

If you have abdominal pain, licking a lemon with salt and black pepper gives immediate relief. In severe cases, consult your physician.

Marba Harid:
Eating 2 grains of harid with jam in the morning can get rid of stomach and intestinal diseases.

Physical and sexual:
A mixture of kalonji, fennel and elder cardamom is the best way to maintain physical and sexual strength.

Turmeric and Facial Acne:
Mix turmeric with milk and make a thick paste. Apply it on your face for 15 minutes daily. After a few days, you will get rid of pimples and acne.

Coffee for joint pain:
Ginger 2-3 grams
A teaspoon of fennel

People suffering from colds:
Instead of milk tea, drink tea without milk and add honey and a little lemon juice instead of sugar.

The vitamin contained in peas is very beneficial for storing vitamins in the bones.

By grinding mint basil leaves and applying its juice on the face, dark spots disappear in a few days.

Nehar Minh Amla jam is the best remedy for children who have constipation.

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