Distinctions Of Islamic Civilization | Sources or Methods of Self-Purification

Distinctions Of Islamic Civilization Sources or Methods of Self-Purification
Distinctions Of Islamic Civilization Sources or Methods of Self-Purification

Distinctions Of Islamic Civilization | Sources or Methods of Self-Purification


  • Introduction
  • Tawhid
  • Self-Purification was Aim of all Prophets
  • Causes of Self-Impurity
  • Sources/Methods of Self-Purification
  • Conclusion

Sources and Methods of Self-Purification

Self-Control Is Source Of Purification
Doing Justice Is Source Of Self-Purification
Zakat Is Source Of Self-Purification Derived from the same root as tazkiyah (purification)….
Piety And Salat Are Source Of Self-Purification Common idea amongst all religious that human beings should have some kind of self-control…
Dignity Of Man Islam presented its concept of honor and dignity which is in conformity with the Quranic verses…
Equality Every human child at his birth is equally endowed with a Self or Personality and entitles…
Social Justice Social justice has a special place in the structure of Islam.
Moral Values Based on justice, equality, and moral virtues. These very lofty principles attracted people who were suffering oppression by the emperors…
Tolerance Islam Bestows upon them all the rights of humanity
Rule Of Law And Enforcement Of Law Of God Established, for the first time on earth, the rule of one Law for all, All stand equal in the eyes of the law, with no privileges or reservations for anyone and No one in the Islamic State has any power or authority to stop the enforcement or operation of any Law.

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Islamic Concept of Dignity of Men and Women | Islamic Studies Notes

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