English Pair of Words List Pdf | English vocabulary latest words 2020

English Pair of Words List Pdf | English vocabulary latest words 2020
English Pair of Words List Pdf | English vocabulary latest words 2020

English Pair of Words List Pdf | English vocabulary latest words 2020

This is forth blog of our exclusive English pair of words series of 2020 that we promised with our followers to continue this collective effort to explore English vocabulary latest words 2020 which are most previous exam asked in academic as well as competitive exams. If you want to prepare yourself for academic and competitive exam preparation such as CSS (Central Superior Services exams which are held every year from mid of February in Pakistan and minimum education required is graduation in second division and aspirant have age between 22 to 30 years as general requirements), FPSC (Federal Public Service Commission exams ) PMS (Provincial Management Service Exams Which Are Held At Provincial Level), NTS (National Testing Service), PPSC (Punjab Public Service Commission exams), SPSC (Sindh Public Service Commission), KPSC ( KPSC Public Service Commission exams) BPSC (Balochistan Public Service Commission exams) PTS (Pakistan Testing Service), OTS (Open Testing Service exams) UTS (Universal Testing Services exams) etc. In this blog you have another top 10 pair of words which are actually total 20 words that are most important words for learning English writing as well as speaking development.

English Pair of Words List Pdf
English Pair of Words List Pdf

New English Vocabulary Pair of Words Script

  • Ancient- قدیم:old- ضعیف
  • Ascent- چڑھائی:assent – رَضا مَندی
  • Attention- تَوَجُہ:intention – نِیَّت
  • Apprehend- مصیبت میں گِرَفتار ہونا: Comprehend – مطلب سمجھنا
  • Averse- مخِالف:adverse- ناموافق
  • Apposite- مُناسِب:opposite- برعکس
  • Appraise – جانچنا:apprise- مطلع کرنا
  • Artist- کِسی فَن میں ماہر:artiste – فنکار
  • Avocation- مَشغَلَہ: Vocation – پیشہ
  • Aural- سمعی:oral-  زبانی

English Pair of Words 2020 pdf | Updated Vocabulary Development Series

New English Vocabulary Pair of Words with example sentences 2020 flashcards

Apprehend- مصیبت میں گِرَفتار ہونا Comprehend – مطلب سمجھنا
artist- کِسی فَن میں ماہرartiste – فنکار
Ascent- چڑھائیassent – رَضا مَندی
attention- تَوَجُہintention – نِیَّت
aural- سمعیoral- زبانی
averse- مخِالفadverse- ناموافق
Avocation- مَشغَلَہ Vocation – پیشہ
ancient- قدیمold- ضعیف
apposite- مُناسِبopposite- برعکس
Appraise – جانچناapprise- مطلع کرنا

Download New English Vocabulary Pair of Words with example sentences in pdf

Download New English Vocabulary Pair of Words
Download New English Vocabulary Pair of Words

English Pair of Words Book pdf | Develop Your English Vocabulary Skills

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1 Comment

  1. Muhammad jehanzeb khan

    It’s a great way to improve vocabulary keeping in view the relevance of words to our daily routines

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