In today’s lesson there are some sentences in urdu and english for use in the office.All sentences are given with simple and easy vocabulary and with use of easy grammer.By little effort it will be easy to learn and revise this lesson.These sentences will also enhance your ability of speaking good english and you will be professional in english.In our daily life we use many sentences for officer matters and they benefit us in urdu and english.This lesson is helpful for those people who have a routine work of office etc.Download this lesson in PDF as option given in bottom.

English Sentences for Daily Use in Office with Urdu script
He is an ordinary clerk. | Wo tou aik mamoli clerk ha | وہ تو ایک معمولی کلرک ہے۔ |
There is a heavy pressure of work these days. | Ajkal kaam zorun par ha | آجکل کام زوروں پر ہے۔ |
Is the boss in? | Sahib hain? | صاحب ہیں؟ |
The head clerk is all in this office. | Iss daftar main head clerk hi sab kuch ha. | اس دفتر میں ہیڈ کلرک ہی سب کچھ ہے۔ |
This clerk is a favourite of all officers. | Yeh clerk afsaron kay munh laga hoya ha | یہ کلرک افسروں کے منہ لگا ہوا ہے۔ |
I want to make a trunk call. | Mujha trunk call krni ha | مجھے ٹرنک کال کرنی ہے۔ |
He couldn’t get a leave. | Ussa chute nhi mili. | اسے چھٹی نہیں ملی۔ |
My application was accepted. | Meri darkhawst manzoor hogyi. | میری درخواست منظور ہوگئی۔ |
I am very busy today. | Aj main boht masroof hoon. | آج میں بہت مصروف ہوں۔ |
What post do you hold? | Aap kis auhday par hain? | آپ کس عہدے پر ہیں؟ |
Its better if you resign. | Behter hoga app istefa de dain. | بہتر ہوگا کہ آپ استعفیٰ دے دیں۔ |
Are you working in that office. | Kya tum us daftar main nokri kartay ho? | کیا تم اس دفتر میں نوکری کرتے ہو؟ |
English Sentences for Daily Use in Office with Urdu flashcards