In today’s lesson there are some sentences related to phases of man.All sentences are from daily life use.There is very simple vocabulary and wording used in the sentences.By some revison you will start speaking fluent english.This will enhance your ability to learn better english vocabulary.This lesson is very short and consists of almost 14 sentences.All sentences are given with urdu and english translation.Download it in PDF and try to revise it on daily basis.

Phases of Man in Urdu and English Script
May I Know your name? | Janab ki tareef | جناب کی تعریف؟ |
His is a just kid. | Wo abhi bacha ha | .وہ ابھی بچہ ہے |
He looks aged. | Wo muyamar lagta ha | .وہ معمر لگتا ہے |
You look younger than your age. | Aap apni umer sa kam dikhayi detay hain | .آپ اپنی عمر سے کم دکھایی دیتے ہیں |
Our elder brother lives separately. | Hamara baray bhai alag rehtay hain | .ہمارے بڑے بھائی الگ رہتے ہیں |
Are you older than me? | Kya aap mujh say baray hain | کیا آپ مجھ سے بڑے ہیں ؟ |
I am unmarried. | Main ghair shadi shuda hoon | .میں غیر شادی شدہ ہوں |
I am a confirmed bachelor. | Main umer bhar kanwara hoon | .میں عمربھرکنوارہ رہوں گا |
He has grey hair. | Un kay baal sufaid hain | .ان کے بال سفید ہیں |
Does she dye her hair? | Kya wo apna balon main khuzab lagati ha | کیا وہ اپنے بالوں میں خضاب لگاتی ہے؟ |
Do you have a joint family. | Kya app ka mushtarqa khandan ha | کیا آپ کا مشترکہ خاندان ہے؟ |
You are younger than me. | ap mujh say chota hain | .آپ مجھ سے چھوٹے ہیں |
She has only four daughters. | Is ki sirf chaar larkian hain | .اس کی صرف چار لڑکیاں ہیں |
It’s not manly to cry like children. | Bachoon ki tarah rona mardon ka kaam nhi | بچوں کی طرح رونا مردوں کا کام نہیں |
Phases of man in urdu and english flashcards