Science and modern world | Communication skills

Science and modern world Communication skills
Science and modern world Communication skills


  • The fighting instinct in man existed since he first appeared in the world. It has made man to invent deadly weapons.
  • The inventions of science have made Modren world a destructive affair. During the First World Modren world, deadly weapons were used.
  • Chemical or poisonous gases have been invented. During the Second World Modren world, the Germans used chemical weapons.
  • The most advanced countries possess nuclear weapons.
  • Science has made Modren world an exercise in wholesale destruction. 

The fighting instinct in man existed since he first appeared in the world. This instinct has undergone many changes with the passage of time. Men have been fighting with one another in the past. The same thing has existed among different races and nations. The battles have been fought in the past due to the economic and political factors. The battle between the two different nations in the past was very simple.  The army of one nation fought with the other in the battle field with the help of spears and swords. The fighting mainly took place in the battlefield. It did not spread to cities. The farmers, the laborer’s, the ordinary men and women were not affected by the attack of the enemy. Modren world in the past was not very destructive.  The inventions of science have made Modren world a destructive affair. The scientists invented gunpowder in the last century. There were also invented rifles and gunshots, later on, machine guns were invented. During the first World Modren world, deadly weapons were used. The scientists did not banish their efforts of improving deadly weapons.  Later on, guns were improved and their range of attack were increased to sixty or seventy miles in our age. Chemical or poisonous gases have been invented. The use of such deadly gases handicapped life all of a sudden. During second World Modren world, the Germans used chemical weapons. They were met with more deadly weapons. Tanks were met with anti-tanks guns. Chemical gases were faced with gas masks. Likewise, the bombers were faced with anti-air craft guns. The most advanced countries possess nuclear weapons. Now the cities and towns are destroyed within moments by the use of atom and hydrogen bombs. In the second world Modren world, the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed by America with the help of atomic bomb. The use of nuclear weapons causes wholesale destruction. Scientists have different kinds of poisonous germs which pollute the environment. We can say that today the patterns of Modren world have changed in the world.

Someone rightly said:

 “Now the Modren worlds are fought in the laboratories, not in battlefield” 

The inventions of science have given a wider and international color to the Modren worlds. The past Modren worlds were limited to battlefields. But fast means of communication have given them an international color. Let two countries fight and the whole world gets dark consequences by this action. The Modren world spreads to towns, cities and villages all at once. Each and every factory, every field, school and hospital are affected by Modren world. The social, economic and cultural life of a nation comes to the state of chaos. The modern Modren world brings wholesale destruction in its surroundings.

Someone said:

        “It leaves behind an army of handicapped men, women and soldiers”. 

The loss of human life and property is also seen in every sphere of life. Innocent men, women and children in the towns and villages are bombarded and killed. Even places of learning, hospitals and government offices are under destruction. Modren world affects every sphere of life. It creates unemployment and inflation. Science has made modern Modren world an exercise in wholesale destruction. However, the scientists have developed and invented methods and defense system to save mankind from large scale destruction. The gas masks, anti-craft guns and anti-tanks have been invented to abolish the destructive effects of Modren world. Moreover, modern medicines and latest technologies of surgery have been invented by the scientists to save the life of the wounded people. Rapid means of communication makes people aModren worlde of the real destructive meaning of Modren world. No doubt, science has advantage and disadvantage in every field of life.


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